Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved

Starting off a new year, most of us at least think about resolutions.  Typically, we want to diet, get a new job, save money, manage stress. Facebook and social media are chock full of these sentiments and promises. While it’s a great impulse to try and better oneself, some of these common resolutions seem a bit silly compared with the everyday resolve of people (anywhere) who are struggling.

Traveling in Cambodia was an absolutely humbling experience.  The people we encountered throughout the country had a whole different kind of resolve.  They were resolved to wake up every morning and face a day that most of us would see as no less than harrowing.  Lucky kids were resolved to get to school no matter how far they had to walk or how big the bike they were fortunate enough to be riding was.  Others were resolved to make money any way they could to help their family get by.  Some survivors of the war, disabled by landmines, played traditional music near the temples, hoping to gather some money from tourists. People blind since birth, or through violence or accidents, worked as masseurs.  Farmers planted rice and crops, working long hours in the fields.  The handy modified vehicles to get their wares to market. The vast majority, especially the children, usually had a huge smile on their face, and a wave of greeting.  While smiles sometimes mask more complicated feelings below, we met so many people who seemed genuinely  hopeful, and happy to meet the new world each day.

More posts from our travels in Cambodia

Cambodia Photo Gallery

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved (with links to different interpretations)

About the author

Free-spirited traveler at peace on the slow road. Packs light and treads lightly. Tamara writes about the nomadic lifestyle and slow travel along with budget-friendly tips and destination guides.