United States


A little catch-up is in order, after a year’s hiatus from the blog. Returning from the big RTW in April of last year was a tough transition. We found ourselves…

Outta Here (for now)

Twenty-one years after arriving as a Freshman at Columbia University, I have officially given up residence in New York City. Any season would have been tough, but I found it…

Atlanta Highlights

We’re in Atlanta for work and play, so never having seen some of the notable tourist attractions, I’ve been taking that project on as well. This past weekend Greta and…

Ready for Spring to Spring

It’s been a few years since I’ve spent such a long stretch on the East Coast. By now I feel like I should be back out on the road, somewhere…

Maine Part 1

We set off from Cape Cod heading for northern Maine. There was no rush, so we made brief stops along the way. New Hampshire is just north of Boston. There…

Outermost Cape

The windswept dunes and sandy shores of the Outer Cape hold a special charm in winter. There’s no need to worry about traffic and crowds, and it’s a luxury to…

Scottsdale Hike

Our final week of the tour in Phoenix was hectic, but we made time for a hike in McDowell Mountain Park, in the lower Verde River basin near Scottsdale. It’s…

Giraffe Drool at Fossil Rim

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center is 1800 acres of animals animals animals (over 1000, representing 50 or so species). Although we love animals, most of you know neither of us likes…

Dinosaur Valley

Located just outside Glen Rose, TX, Dinosaur Valley State Park reportedly has some of the best preserved dinosaur tracks in the world!  (The 70-foot Apatosaurus and 45-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex above were…


We spent our few days off (making up for working the weekend) in Granbury and the surrounding area. Granbury is a town of about 7,600. It was settled in the…