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Do you have feedback for us? Questions we may be able to answer? Suggestions or tips to share?
We’d love to help.
Contact TurtlesTravel Blog here!
You can contact us through all of the major Social Media outlets, so feel free to reach out via our Facebook Fan Page or on Google+. You can also follow @Turtlestravel on Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.
If you’d like to send an email, please note the following:
- If you have a travel-related question, check out our Destinations page. You’ll find a list there of every country we have posts about, so be sure to take a look.
- We are open to considering posts from fellow travel or food bloggers, so let us know what you have in mind. Better yet, check out our series and see if you might like to contribute there.
- We do NOT sell links or accept/place guest posts. Do not contact us if you’re looking to boost a client’s SEO in that way!
- If you’re looking to partner with us, email away so we can discuss ambassadorships, sponsorship or sponsored posts. Our goal is always to offer a mutually beneficial plan for brands and tourist boards looking to increase their product, service or destination’s exposure!
- We do accept travel-related products for review. Honest opinions will be shared in the form of a blog post and promotion via social media. If possible, we respectfully request a second sample to be used as a giveaway for our readers.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Tamara and Donny