Maine Trip Part 2

Northern Maine was wicked awesome. Locals including our friends Steve and Becky told us it had been warm and rain had melted a few layers of snow away, but there was still plenty to enjoy. The scenery was beautiful, and Steve and Becky gave us a great tour, including a pass by my Dad’s childhood home in nearby Caribou. One night we were treated to a homemade bean supper followed by a very funny comedy show of Downeast Humor at the Caribou Inn. See for details on that. Highlights included the camp at Lake Madawaska (New Stockholm) and keeping lookout for the ever-elusive (to us) moose. Oh, we did some geocaching as well. The pics were part of the set on the previous entry. (

About the author

Free-spirited traveler at peace on the slow road. Packs light and treads lightly. Tamara writes about the nomadic lifestyle and slow travel along with budget-friendly tips and destination guides.