Intro to St. Thomas

While not our typical mode of travel, every once in a while it feels great to escape on a more traditional vacation. Since we’re still planning (hoping?) to earn some…

Bejeweled Armadillo

Destination USA: Offbeat Houston

Houston has plenty of attractions: visit the Johnson Space Center or the Museum District, catch an Astros Game, or shop at the largest mall in Texas. The annual Houston Livestock…

Destination USA: Savannah

 Savannah Roadtrip What better way to celebrate a birthday than a roadtrip? Our destination? Savannah, GA. It was my first visit to this historic city, so we wanted to hit…

Destination USA: Kiawah Island

Visiting Kiawah Island Off-Season February may not seem like the most logical time to visit one of South Carolina’s barrier islands, but it turned out to be perfect timing. Located…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward

March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life’s path. –Khalil Gibran The…

Don’t Skip: Bundi

Intro to Bundi The region in the northwest of India known as Rajasthan has long been a favorite base for cultural and historic exploration. Most popular routes include the three…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Home

Home is a place to feel cared for and protected. It’s a place to be nourished, more than just a physical refuge, it’s a private place to find peace and…

Triple M: Lamb Chop Mecca

For those of you who have visited New Zealand I think you will agreed with the title of this post.  Here in the US, on many a menu you will…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique

Spirobranchus giganteus, AKA Christmas Tree Worms, are an intriguing specimen among Earth’s creatures. These little guys are not  uncommon in tropical waters, but they certainly are unique! The tube-dwelling worms are found…

Don’t Skip: Adelaide

[mappress mapid=”1″] Intro to Adelaide When asked what cities we’d be visiting in Australia, we mentioned Adelaide as our second stop. A common response was , “Why?” even from Aussies…