Holly Days

It’s been much too long since the last post. After wrapping up the season, we had a whirlwind drive from El Paso to Liberty, North Carolina to drop off the race car. From there, it was a race with the empty trailer directly to Chicago/Milwaukee, then flights back to the East Coast (ATL for Donny; Boston for me). Thanksgiving flew by catching up with family and before we know it Christmas will be gone as well.

It seems strange not going to work, and stranger still not exploring some new city, mountain or lake each weekend. Being in one spot has allowed us to spend time face to face with friends and get dressed in something that wasn’t pulled from a suitcase or worn at least twice a week, every week this year. Phew. I am taking on an odd project now and then to keep some sort of income rolling in for the interim. The last one was part favor for a friend and part crazy way to get in the holiday spirit. It was a promotion for Yahoo that involved being filmed and photographed in Times Square with 160 other Santas. (That’s me in the middle to the left, above. We got to keep the suit, making it more than worth it!)

We’ve got some travel plans in the works, however. The next adventure will be pure vacation, and not a side trip from work. No hints for now, but we’re both VERY excited. In the meantime, we hope everyone has a joyous and peaceful holiday. Stay tuned for more to come in 2007!

About the author

Traveling like turtles, slowly and deliberately, Tamara and Donny wander together with no cure for their insatiable wanderlust.