Tonle Sap Scene

Battambing, Battambang, Battamboom

The river trip to Battambang from Siem Reap took 6 hours or so, passing through part of Tonle Sap Lake before entering countless narrow channels of the Prek Toal Wildlife…

If You Buy, You Buy from Me, Okay?

Cambodia is a country of both stunning beauty and deep sadness. The country’s violent, recent history has left ugly scars, but the resilience of Cambodia’s people is demonstrated every day…

Malaysia, Truly Asia

“Malaysia, Truly Asia” The television commercials had been singing their message to us for months, “Malaysia, Truly Asia.” It’s a great ad campaign, with captivating images of white sand beaches,…

Singapore, Lion City

Intro to Singapore After using every last day of our 30-day Indonesia visa, we moved on to Singapore. To make the most of SE Asia’s most modern and expensive city…

Jogja On My Mind

No trip to Indonesia would be complete without a visit to the island of Java: not just to sample the coffee but to see how a true Indonesian city feels….

Ubud Street Scene

Uncovering Ubud

Return to Bali On our return to Bali, we wanted to see something beyond beautiful beaches. Ubud is the center of Balinese culture, ancient and modern, and travelers inevitably make…

Komodo Dragons

Here Be Dragons

Icon of Indonesia, their home a World Heritage Site, Komodo Dragons are the world’s largest lizard. They are only found on Komodo and Rinca islands in Komodo National Park, and…

Getting Beneath the Surface: Labuan Bajo

After the 57 hour odyssey, we finally arrived Labuan Bajo, the gateway to Komodo National Park and western Flores. We lined up diving for the next morning right away, and…

Never-ending Story

In Sengiggi we had purchased a through ticket from there on the west coast of Lombok all the way to Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores. It was the…

Lonely Lombok

After an early morning boat-crossing from Gili Air, we arrived at Bangsal Harbor in Lombok. Though poised strategically between famous Bali to the west and the rest of Nusa Tenggara,…