Tag Archives: funny

Surviving the Overnight Hard Seat: Xi’an to Pingyao

Xi’an to Pingyao Vowing to never again settle for a “hard seat” on an overnight train (especially the lowest grade, like the one we experienced), we arrived in Pingyao from…

Miyajima sign Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Sign Says

Outstanding topic for the Weekly Photo Challenge!  We absolutely love funny signs from around the world.  Sometimes the translations are baffling; other times they are downright hilarious. It just goes…

Kauai’s Chickens: Charming Mischief Makers

  Kauai’s chickens rule. They stop traffic in downtown Lihue and beg like squirrels in local parks. You can find them at the beach, in the forest, and crowing outside…

My Ever Changing Name

After traveling in Asia for the last 9 months I’ve come up with an observation. I’m not sure if I’m the only person who feels this way or if other…

Never-ending Story

In Sengiggi we had purchased a through ticket from there on the west coast of Lombok all the way to Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores. It was the…

Road to Tagong on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau

8:15 am Danba, high in the mountains of Sichuan Province in southwestern China. We ready our packs, go downstairs to the hostel’s common area and cross the town’s one street…

Lost in Translation: Trying to Eat in Qingdao

  As we ventured away from the metropolis of Beijing we were very limited on the choice of cities to visit. The reason for this was our neglect in purchasing…

Hwaseong Fortress and Suwon

Suwon, which markets itself as the happy city of filial piety, is an easy day trip from Seoul. You can get all the way there on the Seoul metro subway…

No Bird of Prey in Sight

Friends and Foes at the Lagoon

A Walk around the Lagoon We made a new friend on our walk around Laguna Nimez just outside of El Calafate, Argentina.  She was a pretty black lab with a…